Equilibrium | Conditions of equilibrium with formula

 Equilibrium | Conditions of equilibrium with formula


When a body under the action of force but its rest are moving with uniform velocity is said to be an equilibrium.


When an acceleration our body is zero is called equilibrium.

Conditions of equilibrium with formula

Conditions of equilibrium

First condition of equilibrium

The sum of all the forces acting on the body is zero is called the condition of equilibrium.


Some of F = 0

The vector sum of all the forces along the X axis is zero.


Sum of FX = 0

Second condition of equilibrium

The sum of all the torques acting on the body is equal to zero is called the second condition of equilibrium.


Some Torque=zero

Equilibrium | Conditions of equilibrium with formula  Equilibrium | Conditions of equilibrium with formula Reviewed by boystechy on December 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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